
Ryan is a successful study & educational researcher, author, and blogger. As a part of TakesTips, she focuses on helping students, teachers and parents by sharing well knowledge on the study and education.

Mens Leather Kilt Cleaning Tips

Leather kilts are a popular fashion trend that offer both style and comfort. The unique combination of traditional kilt design with the durability and versatility of leather creates a one-of-a-kind look that can last for years. However, without proper care and maintenance, leather kilts can quickly lose their appeal and […]

Follow Before Buying a T-Shirt

There is no one who doesn’t like to wear a T-shirt. T-shirt is comfortable, versatile, and comes in a variety of styles. If you are thinking about buying a T-shirt, there are a few common things you should keep in mind. First, consider why you want to buy a T-shirt.

Habits of a Successful Student

Habits of a successful student are like a strategy by unique combinations of factors which help a student to get success. However, there are some habits that are commonly associated with successful students. These include things like setting and achieving goals, maintaining good study habits, being organized and efficient and

How to change habits

Changing habits is not a difficult thing whether it is a bad habit like smoking or a good habit like working out. Habits are created through repetition and it can be changed through repetition as well. So if you are thinking more about how to change habits, there are a

Best study techniques for memorization

Memorization is a skill that is often demanded by academic and professional tasks. It can be challenging for all of us even those who are good at it sometimes need a little push to stay sharp. Many students struggle to remember the material they study in call or have difficulty

How to bind a book at home easy

Do you want to bind a book at home and looking for a simple and easy way? Then let’s share the step-by-step guide on how to bind a book at home easy. We covered details from gathering material to finishing a book-binding project. In no time at all, you’ll be